112: Cleaning Digital Dust
Jan 18, 2024
With the start of a new year, the motivation to declutter and organize takes center stage. We're familiar with the tangible purges – cleaning out drawers and cupboards – but there's a much less-discussed realm of clutter that deserves our attention: digital clutter. This is the disorganization and unnecessary “stuff” in our digital lives, including files, emails, and unused apps. Recent research shows that digital clutter has a significant impact on our productivity and well-being. So this episode is all about how to get your digital life organized and ready for an amazing year! Be sure to download your free digital decluttering checklist and listen to learn the action steps you can take to clean up this dust!
Digital clutter is muddying up our lives, our technology, our minds, and making us waste time.
In this episode, you will learn:
- What digital clutter is
- How digital clutter impacts our well-being
- How to clean up our digital clutter
Review of the week:
Bonnie shares meaningful and impactful content for creatives in every phase of their creative entrepreneurship. What I love most and what keeps me coming back is that Bonnie has integrity, is honorable as a person, and is generous with what she has learned. She genuinely wants to see others achieve their dreams and it’s so refreshing!
Quick Disclosure: This post may include some affiliate links which means that if you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won't cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!
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