114: Snooze, Don't Lose: Revolutionizing Email Campaigns
Jan 25, 2024
Building an email list can seem daunting, especially if you are new to it. And while much is said about the joy of expanding our reach through email lists and subscribers, we don’t often talk about managing unsubscribes. For those that are new to email list building or with lists in their infancy, unsubscribes can be really painful and certainly disheartening. But in this quick episode, I want to share a tactic that has changed the way I manage my email list and keep those subscribers sticking around for more. It doesn’t have to be “all or nothing,” and this “snooze” tactic puts some control back in the subscriber’s hands. It really is a game-changer!
I truly believe that an email list is the most powerful tool you can have in your business.
In this episode, you will learn:
- How to combat the increase of unsubscribers during promotion emails
- What happens when subscribers “snooze” the emails
- Ways to give subscribers more control
Resources mentioned:
Review of the week:
What I love about Bonnie and her podcast is she makes dreams feel possible. Starting at zero, she tells her story candidly along side impactful instructions, tips, and business know-how’s. I’m in the process of learning surface pattern design and I always feel in good hands when I’m here.
— Terra K.
Quick Disclosure: This post may include some affiliate links which means that if you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won't cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!
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