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160: Delegate to Elevate: Prioritize Your Zone of Genius

delegation priorities Aug 22, 2024

Do you ever feel like you're juggling too many tasks at once? Trust me, I have been there, and it’s why today’s episode is so close to my heart!

I have had people ask me, “Bonnie, how do you do it all? Do you even sleep?” While that might sound like a compliment, it actually makes me cringe a bit because here's the truth: I don’t do it all, and you shouldn’t expect yourself to either!

This episode is all about normalizing getting help, whether it's in your business or at home. Listen in as I share my own journey of learning (the hard way) that it’s completely okay to ask for help and how it has transformed my life and business. I dive into the things that I have decided to keep in my “zone of genius” and the tasks that I have happily handed off to others.

Plus, I have a special freebie for you: my Task Tending Guide! It’s a simple but powerful tool to help you audit your time and decide what you should keep, prune, pull, or transplant!

Let’s normalize getting help in our lives.

 Discussed in this episode:

  1. The importance of seeking help - you can't do it all!
  2. The Task Tending Guide, a free resource to categorize tasks and identify what to keep, systematize, delegate, or eliminate
  3. Prioritizing your "zone of genius" and focusing on activities that align with your strengths and passion
  4. Delegating tasks such as marketing, customer service, administration, and design to free up time for what you excel at
  5. Hiring help for household management and how it can significantly enhance work-life balance

Resources & Links:

Free Download:



Review of the week: 


Quick Disclosure: This post may include some affiliate links which means that if you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won't cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

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The Professional Creative Podcast

Long gone are the days of the struggling creative.

For the past 13 years I have been consistently switching hats between artist, entrepreneur, educator and leader - and now I'm ready to share it all with you.

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I'm Bonnie Christine.


Thanks for joining me on this journey. I can't wait to help you to craft a career you love!

Let's be friends!

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