65: The Transformative Power of Giving Back: How to Cultivate the Habit of Generosity
Jul 11, 2023
Are you ready to unlock the incredible benefits of giving back? In this episode we’re going to dive deep into the transformative power of generosity and giving back even when it doesn’t seem possible. Join me as I share my personal journey of starting to give when I was facing financial struggles and how it has positively impacted both my life and business. We discuss the difference between a fear-based mindset and an abundance-based mindset when it comes to giving, and how embracing an abundance mindset can lead to incredible opportunities. Tune in to learn how you can cultivate the habit of generosity in your own life and business.
Discussed in this episode:
- Giving even when it seems difficult: Learn how giving back can transform your mindset and open doors to new possibilities
- Prioritizing giving from the start: Find out how making giving a non-negotiable part of your business strategy can set you up for long-term success
- Cultivating a habit of generosity: Hear about my own practice of giving 10% f my gross revenue from the very beginning and how it has contributed to my journey towards impact and profitability
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Review of the week:
This is exactly the podcast I’ve needed. After my lengthy professional hold thanks to years of medical crisis, I felt I’d fallen too far behind to re-embark on the creative career dreams I once held. This podcast makes me feel as if my biggest aspirations are still possible and important, and provides clear steps to help me strategize and move forward. Truly stellar work from an amazing woman! Thank you, Bonnie!
🫶🫶Quick Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links which means that if you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won't cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway.
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