66: Why You Should Cherish Your Early Work
Jul 13, 2023
Creating early work is a magical phase in every creative's journey. It's when we have the freedom to create without the weight of expectations or critiques. It's a time of exploration, where we can truly nourish our creativity and let it flourish. In this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experience of taking the time to develop my design style to go on to create my best work and build a successful career as a fabric designer. Listen in to discover how taking the time to cultivate our creativity can lead us to a fulfilling and profitable creative business that creates impact and gives us the freedom we deserve.
Discussed in this episode:
- Taking the time to nourish and explore your creativity in the early stages can lead to the establishment of your signature style and the discovery of your goals and mission as a creative
- The potential pitfalls of rushing through the early stage, including a lack of clear vision and style in your work.
- The benefits of taking the time to refine and improve your work, leading to a body of work that you can be proud of
Review of the week:
This is exactly the podcast I’ve needed. After my lengthy professional hold thanks to years of medical crisis, I felt I’d fallen too far behind to re-embark on the creative career dreams I once held. This podcast makes me feel as if my biggest aspirations are still possible and important, and provides clear steps to help me strategize and move forward. Truly stellar work from an amazing woman! Thank you, Bonnie!
🫶🫶Quick Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links which means that if you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won't cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway.
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